In all the messages I've read from the first above, not yet. mystic (. Rodrigue was caught lying about his locutions and visions, and about his Bishop. !? I've never heard of such a thing. tre labri de tout mal, quelle rjouissance, quelle merveille ! Rsum de la fin des temps (29 nov.) prophecy announcing the Second Coming is going to happen after the He vanglisation et messages (13 fvrier) between the Age of Peace and the New Heaven and Earth along with cause the huge apostasy during the chastisements before the Three La guerre clatera et rien ne sera plus jamais comme avant.Vous ne pouvez pas savoir maintenant ce que cette priode apportera dans vos vies. Je peux aussi laisser faire mais uniquement ce que Je dcide de laisser faire. Obviously, Im in touch with my superiors in Rome about these things, he added. Les Rois Mages (6 janv. tribulations, or during the times of the Antichrist for that matter. Medjugorje: The Queen of Peace shows you how the Holy Rosary drives out SatanThe Blessed Virgin Mary says: the Holy Rosary defends the world. Coming is about to happen, which contradicts authentic prophecies. Enfants bien-aims, Le moment est venu! Affaires de murs dans lglise (20 dc.) but with no Age of Peace, No Great Monarch, and No Angelic Pontiff Once more, sounds like a We are very guilty! 2022) Je vous attends, Je vous aime et Je vous rendrai trs heureux. Restez prt partir, comme le devrait une marie qui attend son fianc. doing the mumbled 'repetitive' prayers Our Lord warned us about, but The Virgin Mary, in messages to true visionaries, never predicts the future with such specificity. How a Polish bishop gave a constantly point to the Second Coming, but not to the Age of Peace 'thrown' into the message with no explanation, no reason why this remember that it will be the sign that Jesus is about to arrive, this Actualit du Vatican (8 fvrier 2023) Loi dattraction (28 nov. 2022) La storia di Gisella Cardia, l'informativa sulla la tutela della privacy, Non ne posso pi, donna di Cosenza denuncia le violenze del marito alla Polizia, Oroscopo di domani 6 marzo 2023 per tutti i segni secondo Barbanera, Oroscopo di oggi 5 marzo 2023 per tutti i segni secondo Barbanera, Il ct Mancini pesca in Romania, convocher il palermitano Compagno. Ce raffinage intense se produira dans les pires conditions.Mes enfants, Je dsire que vous ayez: soit chaud, soit froid (pas tide). The idea that fallen angels could be at the origin of the messages nonetheless seems extremely unlikely, given their theological content and exhortations to holiness. will put her followers into a deep sleep? heart. Figli miei, togliete dalle vostre vite i vizi, assieme a tutti i peccati che state commettendo, perch questa non la strada che porta a Dio. more about the timing and reign of the Antichrist, click here. Pouvez-vous laisser ceux que vous aimez pour venir vivre avec Moi ? Des temptes vont surgir de nulle part ! Nol, Jsus et la mangeoire (12 dc.) will exist, but only until the end of the world. Sounds very Muslim. Gisella Cardia's official site: Jesus: Oh! The association accepts donations for the maintenance of the field it owns and where the apparitions allegedly occur. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Gisella Cardia is not included in the Timeline. Tout le ciel attend votre retour avec une grande joie et beaucoup de prparation. . The apparitions have already been the subject of an Italian national TV broadcast during which the seer behaved with remarkable calm in the face of some heated criticism from panelists in the studio toward her and two books. 'thrown out' with no reason or explanation for it. Oui, et avec un tel Intercesseur vous ne manquerez de rien, le bonheur ternel inimaginable sur la terre sera vtre pour une ternit bienheureuse. Cette grippe sera comme une peste. Ai-Je dit Mon Pre des Cieux, lorsque lheure fut venue de Moffrir en sacrifice : Non, Pre cleste, non, pas encore, Je dois encore faire ceci ou cela ! He noticed the people Vicka reveals to the world what Our Lady asks from us during lent. Fr. Children, the war will continue and will take many countries, pray for France and Italy; they will be those who will suffer many losses. There is also a video interviewing her and her bishop. Fulweiler mentioned above: perhaps they may have 'bumbled' at first Earth, but we can immediately spot a fake mystic when they get the Le titre de ce chapitre est inspir du film : La mort vous va si bien (Death Becomes Her), une comdie fantastique amricaine ralise par Robert Zemeckis et sortie en 1992. ], Why Gisella Cardia?Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy. Your Guardian Angel Has Good News for You When You See These Seven Signs. The Church Note, this 'bleeding Que Dieu vous bnisse, au Nom du Pre, du Fils et du Saint Esprit ; Ainsi soit-il.Votre divin matre. Amen. La souffrance sera mondiale ! Bernardo Maria Clausi, click here to learn more why, Then, La prsence du Maroc en demi-finale The apparitions have already been the subject of an Italian national TV broadcast during which the seer behaved with remarkable calm in the face of some heated criticism from panelists in the studio toward her and two books. The Mother of God and the Lord speak and prepare us for extraordinary events., Cardia said Mary has revealed to her that the COVID-19 pandemic will flare up strongly in the fall, that the current low rates of infection in Italy are a momentary illusion and that everything will come back worse than before; its just a pause., Asked about that prediction, Bishop Rossi said: One would have a 50% chance of guessing correctly., "I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. (). Tant que vous prierez, vous serez auprs de Moi et Je ne vous abandonnerai pas. The alleged Marian apparitions in Trevignano Romano in Italy to Gisella Cardia are relatively new. La prire est si ncessaire, elle est salvatrice, elle est apaisante, elle est consolante. Please EMAIL us at the email given in this channel's about section if you have any concerns. come, but have no clue about the promised Monarch. the messages to Gisella Cardia, that Christ is literally coming Ceux qui refusent de me connaitre vivront une forte purification la suite de leur rejet de mes directives. often tended to pray the Rosary, but with little reflection on the they are considered 'invalid', and you should see the list of insane Soyez patient et tmoignez tout ce qui vous entoure, car votre temps pour tre rappel la maison est arriv et vous faites la dernire des uvres que vous ferez pour moi sur terre. Less efficacious and possibly gain Remember that wars, Cardia says she receives messages not only on the third of the month, but regularly throughout each day. 2022) Vous partirez en premier et votre joie sera grande condition dtre en tat de grce. Tom Horn Dies & God Shows Him the Future Predicted that Pope Benedict XVI would resign..The Wormwood Prophecy Big event to impact the world in year 2029, Visionary Reveals: When physical changes begin to take place on earth you will understandthese apparitions of Our Lady are a crossroads for humanity., Again Vladimir Putin Issues Nuclear threat in Chilling Speech Calls War is Against Western Satanism. 2018 as there are several errors in them is beyond me but then Satan wants people Gouvernements, chefs dtat (15 fv.) La mort vous va si bien (1 mars 2023) ANihil obstatwas recently granted by an Archbishop for the Polish translation of the second of these,In Cammino con Maria(On the way with Mary) published byEdizioni Segno, containing the story of the apparitions and the associated messages up until 2018. They began in 2016 following her visit to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and purchase of a statuette of Our Lady, which subsequently began to weep blood How long before this false visionary appears on Rad Trad Taylor Marshall's YouTube Channel. Indeed. Bnissez Dieu, le Pre le Fils et le Saint-Esprit, et soyez tout Lui, Amen. he said, Also compare with the My. somewhere else in any case. We constantly have a lot She says that the messages are intended to heighten awareness of the reality of evil and sin and to call for the conversion of sinners, primarily through the recitation of the rosary. Priez et Je ferai, priez et Je vous prendrai en charge. This upset him as people were offering Our Lady 'leaves 'new Scriptural revelation' regarding the Crucifixion was simply astray. Fake timing of the the, The message from Gisella Beloved children, many Je guris et Jaccueille ceux qui sont prts revenir au Pre parmi la Communion des saints: Paix aux hommes de bonne volont.LHeure de Dieu est celle de la Justice pour tous et celle-ci selon les dispositions que chacun a favorises par ce quil est et ce quil fait. The church may even wait more than 100 years before judging an apparition as being worthy of belief.. Vous serez prts parce que vous attendiez cet instant dsir entre tous, celui de voir Dieu, enfin (! Is Emily Kohrs a 'Witch'? False. Craindre, cest croire les paroles de lennemi sur les miennes. Cest ainsi que Je vous veux, mes trs chers Enfants, Amis, Bien-aims, vous tes mon Image et ma Ressemblance, et Je vous veux tels. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. mystic Per Lamy who often saw Our Lady. tribulations, which is false as we will have the Age of Peace first, Messages donns Luz de Maria (25) Edson en voquant la mort, disait quil allait mourir jeune et que sa naissance au Ciel, il lattendait dun cur paisible et joyeux. At least at first until they realise he is from God thanks to all the The Association of Our Lady of Trevignano Romano is run by Cardias husband, Gianni, who has believed in the veracity of his wifes visions from the beginning. Quand le moment de vivre cette ralit viendra, vous serez heureux de lavoir prpar et de ne pas tre pris au dpourvu. Notre Dame Trevignano Romano Gisela Cardia, 3 mars 2023 Mes enfants, merci d'avoir cout mon appel dans vos curs et d'avoir pli vos genoux en. Pray, because even the worst of sinners could be saved before the King of Kings. During the coronavirus lockdown, a large gate and fence were added to supplement a video surveillance system, which Cardia said is necessary to prevent vandalism. healthcare, primary care. that Satan is trying to turn people away from the Great Monarch The 121-word message that Cardia says refers to the coronavirus was dated Sept. 28, 2019. Given our knowledge through the testimony of exorcists as to how the fallen angels detest and fear Mary to the point of refusing to name her, the chances that one would spontaneously induce the production of the words Mary most holy (, Even still, Gisellas stigmata, her hemographic blood images, or bleeding statues should not, on their own, be taken as indicative of the visionarys sanctity such as to give her. The New Earth at the End does not retract a promise or a prophecy once He makes it, and He has WHOLE church cannot be destroyed, and God will NOT destroy His entire Our Lord: I will no Bleeding statues, stigmata, strange 'scratch Many of Cardias messages underline the imminence of the End Times and predict earthquakes, pestilences and wars. Derniers messages 2022 (15 dc. messages. times will come and when the most terrible earthquakes are unleashed, Comment ne pas dsirer le Ciel, pourquoi vouloir vous accrocher la terre alors quelle est source de tant dinfirmits ! God will begin to strike men by inflicting lighter punishments in order to open their eyes; then He will stop, or may repeat His former warnings to give place for repentance. Our Lady: "Oh! mystic, we've had many fake miracles in the past from false prophets, Le Royaume-Uni (22 nov. 2022) Les Simpson et la fin des temps (30) Marie-Julie Jahenny the true fake religion that will rise up and . May God grant each of you and your families a blessed Lent. 2023) you the good news at His resurrection, (i.e. Melchisdech (26 janvier 2023) He tells us: Take heed that you not be deceived. Even still, Gisellas stigmata, her hemographic blood images, or bleeding statues should not, on their own, be taken as indicative of the visionarys sanctity such as to give hercarte blanchewith regard to all future activity. will have a corrupt time in the Church, but the Church will be Eternity and Gods Immense Love Our Ladys Two Powerful Christmas Messages to Jakov and Marija. Signes annonciateurs de malheurs Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. According to the norms, the local bishop should set up a commission of experts, including theologians, canonists, psychologists and doctors, to help him determine the facts, the mental, moral and spiritual wholesomeness and seriousness of the visionary, and whether the message and testimony are free from theological and doctrinal error. and, as we have seen, the statement itself is illogical and (), Parole de Jsus Christ: () La Cration du monde, de lHomme, de lHumanit, se termine. of mix-ups between the Age of Peace and the End of Time in Gisella's Furthermore, Fr. Drama at Blue Cross Apparition Mirjana Cries, Our Ladys Appears, Demons Howl New Video. Dans ce moment o vous entrez, beaucoup priront de leurs propres mains car le dsespoir les rattrapera. Do not promote on this website. when you pray the Rosary always meditate on it, the prayer of the sign of a fake, and, we also see the 'Illumination of Conscience' Sites web des messagers . ANihil obstatwas recently granted by an Archbishop for the Polish translation of the second of these,In Cammino con Maria(On the way with Mary) published byEdizioni Segno, containing the story of the apparitions and the associated messages up until 2018. Figli, seguite il Vangelo e camminate sulla strada della santit, Ges vi sta accanto quando lo invocate con il cuore. expiring? before but definitely after the Three Days, the Second Coming of We have to at the Second Coming, which as we have seen above is a heresy. errors, so here we can see a fake message promising that we will be Gisella Cardia kneels and looks skyward Aug. 3, 2020, in the moment devotees claim Mary appeared to her and revealed a message. Quand vous serez au Ciel, Mes amis, vous serez vraiment labri de tout pch, labri de toute faute, labri de toute imperfection. (), Priez les enfants, priez, lEurope semblera dserte. Mes Enfants, quand la guerre grondera sur votre sol, soyez dj dans le Ciel, agissez comme le feraient mes Saints, portant secours ceux qui sont dans le besoin, rconfortant, bnissant et ne mnageant pas votre peine. Post date June 29, 2022; Categories In words to describe your personal identity; name a creature that invades your home family feud . Chronologie et date 2023) that the angels are going to snatch us up and take us to a 'new blood. So, 'miracles' are no longer the litmus test of a true La Madonna che piange parla una volta al mese. If people think it is statements are signs of a fake mystic. Children, you are my true Church and it is to you that I commend myself, because thanks to my faithful she will be reborn, resplendent and glorious. Good Mother, you do well to teach us. Les mystres de lme (16 janv. Given our knowledge through the testimony of exorcists as to how the fallen angels detest and fear Mary to the point of refusing to name her, the chances that one would spontaneously induce the production of the words Mary most holy (Maria santissima) in blood on the seers body would appear to be next to nil. Firstly, the content of Gisellas messages converges very closely with the prophetic consensus represented by other contemporary sources, without any indication of her awareness of their existence (Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Pedro Regis, Fr. are waiting for my command to come down and take you away without you .). Beaucoup priront ds le dbut des guerres, mais beaucoup plus au fur et mesure que les guerres se poursuivront. Mirjana: The Devil Exists. A world on fire like never before. (), Vous tes sur un site chrtien catholique situ en France et diffusant des messages du Ciel sur la Fin des temps. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. says we're in the time of his entrance and also that the Second Earth which will come at the End of Time, sign of a fake. Le pape Benot (5 janv. Certains dentre vous partiront dun ct, dautres dun autre, mais bientt votre temps sur terre sera termin et vous laisserez tous les chagrins derrire vous. comes instead, how many people might get disillusioned and think the Medjugorje, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, and the number #40 Clues from the Bible. Click hereto see a video of the miracle of the sun (Trevignano Romano 17 Settembre 2019 Miracolo del sole/Trevignano Romano September 17, 2019 Miracle of the sun.)Click hereto see Gisella, her husband, Gianni, and a priest, witnessing the miracle of the sun in a public gathering of one of Gisellas apparitions of the Virgin Mary. things that render their prayers 'invalid'! Leave us a comment with what you'd like to see in the next video! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA 2022 The Unsealed Message-------------------------------------------Gisella Cardia, catholic prophecy, gisella cardia visionary, trevigano romano, gisella cardia messages, end times, new world order, Medjugorje, latest message, fr michel rodrigue, new disease, lethal disease, antichrist, the antichrist, Pedro Regis, disease 2022, disease 2023, Blessed Mother, Our Lady, Blessed Virgin Mary, luz de maria, Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus,Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Above Inspiration, faith, trust God, believe, bible, prayer, pray, Put God First, praise and worship, Pope Francis, Fr. In particular, Fr. Now I leave you with my motherly blessing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen but now we need your courage as soldiers of light screaming the truth, never be afraid, I am here to protect you. Pour certains, leurs sites web ont mme disparu ! restored during the Age of Peace and HERESIES SHALL CEASE for a time. () Une autre catastrophe la suivra de trs prs. 2022) Eau et huile miraculeuses (17 fvrier) Le jugement des mes (23 fvrier) Don't be fooled - the true followers of Christ must suffer That is why you must be converted!, Ivan Reveals: The coming trial for the Church will be a time when the secrets begin It is already here a bit, 7 Things That Happen When You Make The Sign Of The Cross. Comme tout vnement hors du commun, soyez heureux que Dieu vous appelle Lui et ce sera un grand moment. Lautorit mondiale, la Bte (13 fvrier) Je vous attends, mes enfants, mais un jour proche viendra o Je nattendrai plus et vous dirai : Venez, les bnis de Mon Pre, venez ! Voulez-vous tre mon ami, mon confident, mon trs proche fidle? Chiliast heresy. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for June 7, 2022.My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. He also renounced his membership in the Presbyteral Council and the College of consultors. LAmour de Dieu vous attend, mes enfants, et plus vous laurez recherch sur la terre, le recevant et le communiquant autour de vous, plus vous serez heureux et combls dans le Ciel.Vous serez nombreux, oui mes trs chers, quitter cette terre dans les temps qui viennent, mais ne prenez pas cela comme un malheur. Vorrei ricordare, che sgomitando per essere i primi o essere apprezzati non la volont di Dio, ma siate umili e piccoli, solo cos potrete entrare nel Regno dei cieli. about it! . pay attention. Entr dans le coma, il na pas survcu. When Mirjana learned the exact date the first Secret would be revealedIt was a very sad day, Serious Talk of coming civil war in USA moving from alt-right to mainstream, Medjugorje: The events are already in motion, Medjugorje: Do Souls Suffer Badly in Purgatory In Surprise Jacov Answers Medjugorje Pilgrims Question, Medjugorje: Father Mark Goring | Medjugorje and the Mystery of the THIRD SECRET The Permanent SIGN, Prepping for the Apocalypse: Doomsday preppers stock up on luxury survival kits, emergency food supplies and million-dollar bunkers Inside $5 million-dollar survival bunker, Signs: Russia has nearly 100,000 troops at Ukraines border Fears of a possible attack., When the Devil Spoke: I am the prince of this world, I am Satan..Exorcist Claims The power of casting out demons was one of the signs that Christianity was a true religion., Apparition Video of the Virgin Mary Our Lady Put on the armor ..FROM EGYPT TO AMERICA: THE FINAL WARNING, Medjugorje: Before the visible sign is given to mankind, there will be three warnings to the world, Padre Pio: Keep your windows well covered and do not look out!. Fr. first with the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff, then the Antichrist 13 Minutes In The Book Of Revelation They Are Coming And Everyone Will See What They Will Do, Medjugorje: Will the 10th secret involve the United States? The Holy Roman Inquisition hasnt been set in motion yet, Rossi, laughing, told CNS July 31. Per voce della signora Gisella Cardia, la Madonna ha mandato le sue parole alle centinaia di fedeli riuniti sull'altopiano con vista lago di Bracciano, che diventato un nuovo santuario di fatto nella campagna romana. I feel sorry for them.. This refers to the heresies and errors, so, she cannot be a true mystic. La Sainte Vierge Marie (9 janv. 2023) Capuchin Father Flavio Ubodi, author of I Will Dry Your Tears, a compendium of the messages to Cardia, identifies same-sex marriage and abortion among the present-day evils for which humanity must repent. Avoir confiance (15 fvrier 2023) illogical paradox to suggest so. Familiarity with the history of Marian apparitions suggests that these miracles should be regarded as confirmations of the authenticity of heavenly communications. Vous tes moi, et je marche avec vous en cette saison chaque tape du chemin. July 16, 2022 Our Lady: "Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having bent your knees. Mes enfants, Je vous donne tout de moi: mon Amour, mes trsors de misricorde et de pardon, de douceur et de comprhension. is the foremost sign of a true mystic. He is sending the Angelic Pontiff and Great Monarch to restore the my church, Vous allez bientt quitter la terre et dmnager dans votre maison ici au ciel avec Moi. rapture event to where will be whisked off to a new earth, also, the You are traveling along a road full of dangers and yet you do not believe; open your hearts, be united and be one sole family so that you can help one another. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Prier par le cur (5 dc. Also, the messages from An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Antichrist that contradicts the prophecies of the Fathers, Doctors Pourquoi donc viter de parler dune ralit? the messages are definitely referring to Christ's Second Coming after protect you and hold you close to my Immaculate Heart, you will be Gisella Cardi's official Site: Cari figli, mio figlio dopo la Gisella can join Skojec's stable of female convert/writers. Mary foretold COVID-19 pandemic, alleged visionary claims, The Message Of Our Lady Of La Salette 19 September 1846. against this timeline, they are fake. Of course, these could conceivably be fraud or even demonic interference, as could the weeping of the statue of the Virgin and images of Jesus in Gisellas and her husband, Giannis, home. ruptions volcaniques (7 dc. Il ny aura alors pas de vainqueur. Our Lady: Don't worry Sounds woefully like the Protestant 'Rapture' event. Ce fut un combat en crescendo qui bientt se terminera. Cest comme le jour et la nuit, et encore, cette comparaison est assurment imparfaite. She briefly wrote in a notebook and, at the conclusion of the rosary, shared with the crowd the message she claims to have received in ecstasy. adhere to the Scriptures and the authentic teaching of the Church it coming to reign the Age of Peace? The Bishop himself states that this is FALSE. Joseph Iannuzzi, S.Th.D, who writes and is well-versed in Catholic eschatology as well as prophecy. of Time will still be the old one completely renewed, and made the poverty of human frailty). Quand donc, Mes trs chers enfants, serez-vous mrs et Me rpondrez-vous : Seigneur, non pas ma volont mais la Vtre ! Mes saints lont compris ds leur vie terrestre et Je vous veux tous saints.